Sunday, January 19, 2014

Taormina / Sicily - Gnocchi all' Aurelio

Today is holiday, it is a day to celebrate a meal which I have cooked for the first time. 
It is about the successfully cooking of "Gnocchi all' Aurelio". Aurelio is a famous cook from Sicily

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Florida - ACTIONQuest and SEA/MESTER

Many years ago I have been an AFS-exchange student to Florida and I spent one of my most wonderful years in a wonderful family. Already at that time I spent
many hours after high school with my American brother on the water, sailing, waterskiing and motor-boating.
This was the beginning

Friday, January 10, 2014

Taisten / Italy / Southern Tyrol - Hotel Alpen Tesitin

Because I don't live in the mountains and there is no snow for sure in my city in the winter time I just have to spend some days during the Christmas and new year season in the Alps. I like best to go to Austria or Southern Tyrol. This year I went to

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

intention for the new year 2014

Extract from a letter of the  St. Bernhard  of Clairvaux to Papst Eugene III (12.century)


Take care of yourself !

"It is not the virtue of patience to permit yourself to be enslaved when you can be free ... Are you less a slave because you serve not one but all? I praise your devotion to humanity, but only if it be complete. Now, how can it be complete when you have excluded yourself? You too are human ... You also should drink from the waters of your well ... If you are a stranger to yourself, to whom are you not? If a man is no use to himself, to whom is he useful?"