about me

You may divide people in many categories, I also like to divide people into “Nest-Hocker” and “Nest-Flüchter”. These are German words and they may mean “nest-remainer” and “nest-fleer”, which derives from the picture of two baby birds in their nest, one prefers to stay and the other one prefers to fly.
I for myself I certainly belong to the “nest-fleer” and I also believe, that this behavior is passed on from one generation to the next by genes. One of my ancestors is supposed to have been a great traveler and it was him who created the Muskau-Parc in Germany (which has nothing to do with Moscow in Russia). My son meanwhile has managed to live California and who knows where my daughter would live now, if she wouldn't have to stay in the city where her husband works.
When I was a young boy I already sailed with Ulysses and I was with hunters hunting fur bearing animals in the Taiga.
Therefore it had to happen that I came into conflict with my work as neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist where you mostly sit on a chair. So it is not surprising, that my longer trips to foreign countries, one year in Florida and three months in Afghanistan, and this was before the war began and the king still ruled the country. (Where are my photos from that time?)
My love for sailing and the sea has continued up to my stay in Florida and I tried to travel as much as possible and get to know other people. To my most outstanding travels count the trips with the Star Clippers and two journeys as the ships-doctor and crew member for an Atlantic-crossing and a trip from Egypt to Goa. And it is therefore that you can find my posts about the Star Clippers and the sail-away melody when the sail are put up which I still love to hear (may be for others it has lost its magic touch).

Mountains and hiking in Europe also is always a great pleasure, I like very much to stay in regions where the mountain come together with the sea.
In the last years I began to learn the Italian language just for fun and for their beauty. I have already visited several language schools in Italy and I can report about my experiences.
So this blog shall become to blog about traveling, culture, language trips to Italy and sailing and all about the things I like.
I love traveling and love to read about the travels of other people.
Some travels I can do by myself, others only with my imagination.

Handschuhsheimer Landstr. 42

Tel: 00496221181559


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