Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Marrakesh / Morocco, my dream

Today I start out with one of my favorite pictures.
I took it in Marrakesch in the garden of Yves Saint Laurent, in the Jardin Majorelle. It is windows, which has an effect to the inside and outside, it seems to be magic and to promise something.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Germany - some ideas for presents

Sometimes I have thought, that for me feeling it could be always the "time to make a gift" because I did not want to be a simple follower of the consumer society, which tells you when 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Germany - light and darkness

The Christmas-time has begun in Germany since several weeks, for my feeling much too early, but on the other hand I love all these lights in our dark months of the year.

But my first photo for this years Christmas time shall be one from southern France. It is a window, which I have taken in a small church in Coursegoule / France.